Saturday, July 12, 2014

Rediscover Love

      You know, I have an idea that may or may not work. I feel like we should all just believe that love doesn't exist, and then rediscover it-and for those who haven't discovered love like me, we should forget about it. We as a society these days know too much too quickly. We have these expectations of love sometimes and we want too much. There's nothing wrong wanting something out of love, but we should remember what we thought love was when we were innocent, before we knew anything about love. Where we thought holding hands are happiness and all we can think about are balloons and presents. Romance. That's the thing we want to expect to come first in love. Then we can think about lust and other things later.

      I have a lot of examples where i ask my friends "what's your crush like ?" And I hear replies like, "He's so hot and his eyes are like so perfect like omg." And replies like, "He's very athletic and muscular, he's so my type." And true, we all want our relationships to be with someone we enjoy looking at and who we are attracted to in physical attractions. But what about the inside ? Is that all left for us to see within relationships ? I would like to believe that we humans to be more than that, and that what's inside is also worth talking about. And sure, I do still know many many people who want romance, personalities and kindness in a guy. And that shows me hope that this world hasn't totally messed up on the concept of "love".

      And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that those people are shallow or bad, I just think that it's very easy to get lost in love and often forget what we want. And what we want shouldn't be something to keep us happy for a while but to keep us happy forever. By the way, "forever" is another fantasy we should believe in, with hopeful promises that we know for a fact will probably never come true but we still believe in it and would risk everything for it. Yes it will come back and bite us later believing in that forbidden promise, but I think we need that. We need that "forever" fantasy to love. Being scared but ready to give up everything for the one you love.

      And when it comes to people like me, we just can't loose that fantasy. I haven't experienced it yet but I want to. I am still waiting for my "prince" to come everyday and every time I see a shooting star, I always wish for the same thing, Love.

Editor: K.L.S 

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