Saturday, November 14, 2015

The Okay List

          Lately things have been... messy. I have been quite busy and I've not been eating very healthy or getting enough sleep. Plus, I'm still searching for a part-time job, but it almost seems like I won't be able to handle much more. Being involved and doing the things I love is always great, but we humans have limits. And I've been having mood swings and what I call "man periods". I know I'm going to be fine, but it's just unfair for my friends to have deal with this. This self-therapeutic method created by my editor A.B. is simple and may help me to calm down a little. An Okay List is a list where I list some of the flaws or experiences I've had and then say, "and that's okay." It's not for me to admit that I have issues and just simply do nothing to fix myself, it's for me to say that I'm not perfect and that's okay. I will work on myself little by little everyday and it's okay to make mistakes, and not be perfect. I am human.

I can be annoying sometimes, and that's okay.
I have separation anxiety, and that's okay.
I'm very insecure, and that's okay.
I sometimes don't love myself enough, and that's okay.
I hate my body some days, and that's okay.
I am scared of the future and am afraid of failure, and that's okay.
I sometimes feel not worthy of love, and that's okay.
I don't really know how to make myself happy, and that's okay.
I care too much about some little things in life that no one understands, and that's okay.
I feel like a random person reading this may worry that I might be suicidal, which I'm not, 
and that's okay.
I overthink situations which stresses me out, and that's okay.
I had depression and self harmed, and that's okay.
I have a family who I love deeply but can never understand, and that's okay.
I was bullied physically and emotionally, and that's okay.
I get attached to friends because I'm afraid of being alone, and that's okay.
I am sometimes socially awkward when I meet people, and that's okay.
I put on an act of this sassy, happy, flamboyant character as a defense mechanism, and that's okay.
I sometimes am afraid of letting people see the real me, and that's okay.
I don't really know who I really am sometimes, and that's okay.

I don't feel okay, but that's okay.

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