Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Real Feminism

        So, if you know me personality, you will know that I call myself a feminist, but lately, there's more and more hate on the idea of feminism, and I just feel so upset. A lot of feminists on social medias have made feminism into a hateful act against men, but no, feminism is suppose to be about gender equity ! It's upsetting how such a beautiful idea can become so hateful and not classy at all...

        A while ago, some feminists wanted to ban the word "Bossy". Then, another group of feminists were hating on a scientist who wore a shirt of a few women in short dresses... Not only that the shirt was made by the scientist's female friend, it's really childish to hate on a homemade shirt that has just a very attractive woman in a mini dress on it. First of all, I love women and I respect them so much, and as a male, I do think that a lot of women don't have a voice and aren't able to be who they want to be, but feminists who hate on the word "Bossy" and a t-shirt is just... I don't even know what to say. Women rape men too, and women can be terrorists too. The thing is that some feminism is trying to put women on a higher level than men, which is wrong and not the feminism I want to be part of. There's so many other things we could focus on and help each other with than a word and a t-shirt. 

        Some people ask me, why be a feminist ? Why here, in Canada ? Well yes, I understand that in North America, both sexes are very equalized compare to other countries, but there are still problems in this part of the world. North american feminists, with its influence, should try to make the world focus on these more extreme issues in the other parts of the world. Like rape and abuse of women and the refusal women's education...etc. The world is getting better, but it's still no where near sunshine rainbow perfection. 

        So, I encourage people to be a part of the real feminism which believes that both genders should be treated fairly and not put one above the other. Feminism should be about accepting that genders have their flaws, and that we need to try to improve ourselves and the world. After all, what we do to each other makes the world we live in. 

Editor: A.B.

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