Friday, November 18, 2016

OSLC 2016 !

          For those of you who don't know, I've just attended OSLC in Niagra Falls, Ontario Student Leadership Conference, it's Canada's longest and largest leadership conference. It was absolutely a pleasure to attend, yet it was a fuzzy mess just before I went as I was invited to an Equity & Inclusion Leadership Camp after my involvement with my school's LGBTQ+ Assembly. The two events conflicted, and I had to make a decision, and I chose OSLC.

          OSLC ran for 3 days, costed for about $350, and we had to bring our own money for some of the meals. The Equity & Inclusion Camp also ran for 3 days, costed $0, and all meals were provided. So why did I choose OSLC ? Because I don't take the easy way, I never do. Because of my role in the LGBTQ+ community, when they invited me to their camp, they made sure that I would room with the gender that I identify with, females. Yet, for OSLC, it was another fight. Finally, I did get to room with my girlfriends, and at the end everything was fine. The process was not fun though, and it was a little insensitive to me as a Transgender individual, but it's their first time really dealing with it, and I was clear to them that I will not let them make me room alone again. It took awhile, they were stressed, me and my roommates were stressed, but it's worth it. Now, they have a sense of how they should handle situations like this, and in the future, when another Transgender individual wishes to participate, they will be able to give them the best and correct experience as possible.

          Am I upset that I couldn't participate in the Equity & Inclusion Camp ? Of course, but OSLC was a life-changing experience as well. It had amazing speakers, thoughtful workshops, and an energy that was just so spirited and loud. It was truly a pleasure. I've learned so much, and had so much fun. I think that my path as an activist, as a leader really grew, starting from my decision to not take the easy road. Who knew ? Maybe I could've ended up rooming with boys again, and had a horrible time. It was a risk, and I threw my happiness into the pit and had to fight it back again. And again, I'm so happy that it worked out at the end. I'm so grateful for the changes and extra-work the school admins had to do/make, and my roommates standing by me, and being there for me.

          I had a magical time. Hearing some of the speakers' lessons and stories really touched me, and I've learned so much about how to be a better leader, not only for my community, but for myself as well. Also, it was at such a high level of energy for all 3 days ! I got tired after the first day, and I'm pretty sure my ear drums are very damaged right now. Still though, it was a lot of fun. We had a semi-formal dance, and I was in there, among the crowds, with my friends, just dancing. Despite being sweaty and gross, and that it was in the dark, with neon lazer beams everywhere so I don't even know why I bothered to put make-up on. I felt it. I know it's cheesy, but I feel so alive. I felt pain and tensions in my muscles, but I had to keep moving, keep dancing. I felt comfortable, happy, and excited in my body. I danced, I laughed, and I forgot about my troubling life. I thought to myself, wow. I've forgotten how simple and fun life could be. And that was it. 

          True leadership isn't always fun, sometimes uncomfortable even. It's learning to expose yourself, giving part of yourself to the world, to the public. "Love is something that the more you give, the more you get back."

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