Wednesday, June 11, 2014

One Step Closer


          My first March break as a high school student was as fabulous as a baby unicorn being born in a pile of glitter. I went to New York City with my school as an Arts Program trip. And as a fashion person, I would never miss out on this amazing opportunity. It was so exciting and fantastic, you had to have been there with me to feel it. It was like taking a big step towards your dream and almost being able to see your destination; it's still blurry and far away but you have to believe that you will make it to be able to move forward. And this trip, this March Break showed me something that I have never seen before and gave me a little taste of what my future will be like.

          Of course I packed my suit case with my best clothes: three pairs of shoes, four purses and plenty of accessories. People kept saying I was over packing because it was only a five day trip but I knew what I was doing. For me, the best part was just walking down the street in NYC rocking my outfits. And even though I wanted to take as many pictures as possible, I tried to ditch the camera quickly because I didn't want to look like a tourist. We need to fake it to make it, right? I dressed like a New Yorker, I walked like one and I acted like one. I basically pretended I was one for five days. It may sound dramatic but it felt like home, I felt like I belonged there even more than I do here in Canada.

           It was just like Sex and the City. Well... without the sex and all the expensive high heels. But the view, the shops, the people on the street were all just chic. I even saw Chanel, Jimmy Choo and all these other famous brands. I screamed really loudly on the bus when we drove pass them. Even though I couldn't shop in those stores, it was a lot of fun shopping in Times Square. But we hurried on our shopping because we had too many things to do. The trip was so great, even better than great. We saw two Broadway shows, ate in fancy restaurants, visited two big art museums and so much more. The money and the long tiring bus rides were worth it.

           I'm grateful that I could experience all this at such a young age, and I felt different after this trip. This might not be the best way to say it but it was like losing my innocence and entering adulthood. Something changed inside me and it's scary because I know I might not be able to gain back what I've lost. Sure I'm still a teenager and I can still mess up but at least now I know what I want and I understand what it would be like to go down this path. And I will still be learning how to be independent and take responsibility of choices that will affect my future. After all, it was a life changing, dramatic and very emotional trip. (Maybe I'm being too dramatic about this but yeah... ) I thought I would be crying on the bus ride back, but I wasn't. I was surprisingly not that upset about leaving my "dream". Maybe I knew I wasn't ready for the big city, maybe I don't fully belong there yet. Or maybe I knew it wasn't goodbye, that I will be back when I'm ready to live my dream. Either way, my first March Break as a high school student was just fabulous.

Editor : M.B.C.

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