Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Selfish Thanksgiving

      There is so much to thank for in our life. In fact, we should be thankful for almost everything. Today is Thanksgiving, but I'm quite ungrateful these days. You see, there is this trip to Italy for the arts' program students at my school in March break, and my family can't afford for me to go. I have been trying to find a job, but my parents say that even if I have a job, they still can't let me go. It's a huge amount of money, I know, but I just want to go so badly !

      Well, my family already went to Taiwan this summer and we just finished our basement. Also we are going to Florida during Christmas break. This year is like our big luxury year. I also did a lot of shopping this year, so I will seem like a spoiled brat if I whine about Italy... but everyone wants things and it's human nature to want. Don't get me wrong, I love my family and I am just so thankful for everything they do for me, it's just sad and unfortunate to not go. Come on ! It's Italy !!!

      Imagine the art, the architecture, and the cute Italian guys... Italy isn't anything like New York City, but it's definitely one of the most fabulous and fashionable places ever. I know that I am selfish, and I'm ashamed of saying that I'm selfish. I want to be selfless but I just can't. Everything I want is hard to get. NYC, Parsons, Chanel...everything in fashion is expensive. It sucks but that's reality. Money is important in the world we live in, not only for luxury, but also to survive.

      I'm also jealous, jealous of those people who don't want the same things as I do. Some just want to finish college here in town I live in, get a nice job, and have a cute family, which is simple and realistic. Mine, is not only barely affordable, but also not very realistic in terms of success, but I guess that's the future. Right now, I think we all just need to be happy with what we have in our lives. If we are not happy with our lives, we either need to find the positive things and deal with the negative, or just ask ourselves, "are we not happy because we are not satisfied ? Do we want too much ?" Because having too much can sometimes make us lose ourselves.

      Maybe I shouldn't go to Italy at all, maybe something great will happen to me here in March. Maybe something is planned to happen that is better than Italy. Think positive people, and be grateful. 

Editor: A.B.

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