Sunday, October 19, 2014


      Are dreams just some fun fantasies we humans have in spare times or is it something meant for us to work hard on and make them come true ? I have asked a lot of adults (mostly Asians) what is their dream, but a lot of them said that they don't have one. They said they just went into whatever career they could and settled. I think it's different for North America and Europe, but back then in Asia, when my parents were kids, they didn't usually have dreams. They told me that they worked hard to get good grades, went to good schools, and did whatever jobs they found because they needed money. They needed money not only to survive, but also to support their parents.

      I always have found it a little sad not having a dream, because for me, I have been working towards my dream since I was six years old. Everything about me is about my dream career and my future. It might seem great for some people to settle down on a path so young, but it's scary. It's scary because when I finish school and this career doesn't work out, I basically will have nothing. My life will fall apart the second people tell me I don't have what it takes when I go to New York, and that is why we need plan Bs, Cs, and however many we need. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe it's not sad not having a dream. Those adults aren't depressed, and they have raised beautiful families and are wonderful parents. Maybe their dreams were slowing building in their hearts and they didn't know it. Maybe their dreams were to become successful and support their family. Maybe they didn't want to be chained to one path. Just maybe.

      I know what's sad: when you aren't great at what you love. To be honest, I absolutely adore singing, dancing, and performing. I want to be a star. The reason I tell people I want to be a fashion designer is that I'm more talented in visual art and design. I believe that everyone has a special and beautiful talent, but what if my talent is something I like and not love ? It's scary to admit that I love singing more than fashion, because I've been working on fashion design my whole life and I'm not ready to throw that away. I was so hyped about fashion and art, and I went into it right away. Now, I'm just sad because I'm not gonna switch my path in life because it's too risky. I can't let myself lose everything. I will have to suck it up and be backstage and let the models have the spotlight.

      Maybe we all are meant to use our talents to do something great. It's okay to not be Leyoncé and perform on a stage. Maybe my role in life is to make dresses for people and make other people's dreams come true. The perfect dress and the perfect pair of shoes can make a a lot of people's dreams come true. Ask Cinderella. 

Editor: A.B.

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